Up To 95% Advance For Staffing Agencies

Non-Recourse Factoring for Your Agency's Payroll Needs


If you are just seeking funding for payroll, this facility offers numerous advantages and benefits.

A non-recourse factoring/payroll funding facility with advances up to 95% is a funding option that every temporary placement staffing agency should have in place.

While staffing agencies assist their clients' businesses in meeting customer demands, what about the staffing company's critical demands? Payroll is your staffing agency's biggest expense, and a restricted cash flow can seriously jeopardize your ability to make payroll.

These are the advantages and benefits of our payroll funding facility:

  • Non-recourse
  • Up to 95% advance (higher on a case by case)
  • No complicated forms, just a simple application
  • Meet payroll all the time
  • Funding your payroll into the millions (availability as you grow)
  • Free invoicing and collections
  • Free credit reports
  • Freedom to factor as much or as little as you want
  • No minimum requirements
  • No hidden fees
  • No start-up fees
  • Short-term and open terms are available
  • We can factor your invoices up to 90 days (longer on a case by case)
  • Competitive rates
  • Flexible terms (Facility customized to your needs)
  • Designated account manager
  • Our state-of-the-art ClientNet provides 24/7 secure online account management
  • Grow your agency by extending credit to your customers
  • No more waiting up to 90 days for your customers to pay
  • We love staffing startup
  • United States and Canada

For all of your staffing factoring needs to cover payroll consistently, you'll be working with an affiliate who offers flexible options. You can factor as much or as little as you like, with no minimum amounts or additional costs.

It's simple to open an account, and once you have it, you can have the working capital you require in as short as 24 hours without going into debt.

You can't afford to have your working capital caught up in unpaid invoices when payroll is due every week, even if your clients take thirty, sixty, or even ninety days to pay. We can provide a constant flow of capital with advances up to 95% without any start-up costs.

To get started, please use this short form.  We will call you back right away to discuss your specific funding needs.

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