Constant Cash...

Up to 95% Advance

staffing factoring

A non-recourse factoring/payroll funding facility with advances of up to 95% is a funding option that every temporary placement staffing agency should have in place. While staffing agencies assist their clients' businesses in meeting customer demands, what about the staffing company's critical demands?


FactoringSame as payroll funding...

payroll funding for contract workers

What is the difference between invoice factoring and payroll funding? None! In the temporary placement staffing industry, payroll funding and invoice factoring provide a temporary staffing agency with the same benefit: a consistent flow of capital to meet payroll and other expenses.


Line of CreditNo restrictive covenants...

payroll funding for temp staffing

A ledgered line of credit is a receivables line and the perfect choice for staffing agencies that are contemplating a traditional line or already have a bank line but want to avoid the stringent requirements while still retaining the features and competitive pricing of a traditional line.


ideal funding

Payroll funding and invoice factoring are ideal for helping temporary and contract placement staffing agencies, including startups, meet payroll regularly and for peace of mind.

run smoothly...

For staffing agencies that are placing contract workers and temporary employees, it's all about meeting payroll, and as the single most concerning expenditure, working with a factoring and payroll funding company that specializes in staffing is essential to helping run the agency smoothly.

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Reliable service...

There is no substitute for excellence

payroll funding and invoice factoring for staffing agencies

Our customer service team is available seven days a week with an "on-call" representative ready to process a customer's online request at any time of the day or night. We are committed to funding our clients quickly.

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Flexible solutions...

 Invoice factoring | Payroll funding

payroll funding for temporary placement staffing agencies

Our business development officers understand the importance of flexibility, so even if your staffing agency is operating at a loss or struggling with certain credit issues, we should still be able to offer a quick solution that can get you funded.

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Peace of Mind

Imagine having no more worries about payroll.  With millions of dollars available for your firm, we can help your agency propel itself to new heights. Payroll funding, a.k.a. invoice factoring, is the solution for the continuous growth of temporary staffing agencies.

payroll funding and factoring for temporary and contract placement staffing agencies

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